myelin makes school
A 360o integrated system for schools, teachers and parents that focuses on better communication, engagement and effective learning.
AI-powered school management
+teacher management
+student management
& much more!
Designed for
Assign homework,track
student progress,send
connect with parents and
students, increase
productivity and teaching
Simplified for parents & students
Real-time learning and
progress tracking,
chat-based interaction
with teachers, community
news and updates
Designed for unparalleled
Dedicated portal for school
management, amplified
levels of collaboration,
instant communication
between all stakeholders
Built for operational
Analytics that uncover
patterns for improved
reporting, smooth
back-office operations,
simplified fees
management and other
Better features for better
Academics Management

Build, organise and easily modify the curriculum structure online. Create a seamless representation of classes, courses or extra-curricular sessions: monitor class performance and share data with students and parents.

Student Management

Create student profiles, manage admissions, track academic and non-academic progress, mark attendance, keep financial records, and much more. Keep parents and teachers in the loop all the time. Manage the entire learning journey of a student by following his/her multifaceted progress.

Teacher Management

Assign teachers to classes and subjects easily, mark attendance, track payments, facilitate faster communication between principal and parents and manage multiple administrative tasks efficiently through automated responses.

Financial Management

Streamline payments, teacher salaries and all other school-related expenses in one place.

Teacher Portal

Give teachers access to their profile and help them efficiently manage their classes, lesson plans, homework, student insights, parent communication and other school-related tasks and processes.

Parent Portal

View child’s grades, attendance records, behaviour feedback, teachers’ comments, fee updates, curriculum, exam schedules, leave documents.

Paperless document management

Staff can manage all administrative documents and operations on a single digital platform and complete their tasks faster without messy paperwork.

Teacher monitoring

Manage teachers better by tracking their efficiency, regularity, student engagement, promptness and syllabus completion. Make informed decisions while recruiting new teachers.